Integrated Development Environments for CSE 12

In the Lab

hw0 - lab orientation and debugging exercises
Using Eclipse in the Lab

While the traditional Unix development environment usually consists of the command line and a text editor such as VIM or Emacs, Eclipse can boost productivity by integrating powerful tools like gcc, gdb, and make behind a graphical, easy-to-use interface. This guide walks through using Eclipse in the lab for CSE 12 homeworks.

On Your Windows Computer

Click Here to go to the Visual Studio website where you can download Visual Studio Expess 2012

This series of guides details all the steps necessary to develop in Java and C/C++ on your Windows computer. While Eclipse is the leading Java IDE, the Ecipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) and Visual C++ are both viable options for C/C++ development. CSE 12 homeworks are distributed with project files for both, so you can use either one.

Additional Help and Downloads


  1. Language
    1. C
      1. GNU C Reference Manual - the C programming language as implemented by the GNU C compiler
      2. C Language Reference - by Microsoft
      3. Official ISO Standard - by ISO, hosted by open-std
    2. C++
      1. C++ Language Reference - by Microsoft
      2. C++ Tutorial - by
      3. ISO C++ Standard - by ISO C++ working committee
    3. Java
      1. Java Tutorial - by SUN
      2. Java Language Specification, Third Edition - hosted by SUN
  2. Standard Library
    1. C
      1. ANSI C Standard Library - alphabetical function reference by Microsoft
      2. ANSI C Standard Library - organized by header files
      3. GNU C Library - covers ANSI library and GNU extensions (like getopt)
      4. Linux MAN pages online - covers ANSI C library and entire linux system
    2. C++
      1. ISO C++ Standard Library - organized by header file, by Microsoft
      2. ISO C++ Standard Library - organized by header file, hosted by
    3. Java
      1. Java SE 6 API - API specification, by SUN
  3. Compiler
    1. GCC 4.1.2 - definitive, comprehensive, hosted by GNU
    2. VC++ 2008 - covers compiler and linker, by Microsoft
    3. javac - command line usage on solaris/linux by SUN
  4. Debugger
    1. GNU gdb - official documentation by GNU
    2. gdb quick reference card (pdf)
    3. KDBG user's manual - graphical front end to gdb
    4. Debugging Java in Eclipse - by IBM
    5. CDT Debug Tutorial - by the CDT team
    6. Debugging in Visual Studio
  5. IDE
    1. Eclipse
    2. Eclipse C/C++ Developer Guide
    3. CDT wiki
    4. Visual C++ 2008

More Guides

Choosing a C/C++ IDE
Installing Eclipse CDT
Using Eclipse at Home
Using Visual C++ at Home

Useful Tools

SSH Secure Shell
Deprecated SSH client, but it's nice b/c it has a built-in file transfer client
A popular SSH client that's still being maintained
A file transfer client that's still being maintained, goes well with Putty
For Unix, Windows and Mac
A powerful text editor for Windows, has syntax highlighting for multiple languages, supports zooming and many more useful functionalities


Below is a list of all the downloads contained in the guides. It is strongly recommended that you follow the guides instead of trying to install these on your own; there are many non-standard options and settings.
Java Runtime Environment, required by Eclipse
Contains the Eclipse platform and Java Development Tools
Visual C++
2008 Express Edition, Microsoft's C/C++ IDE
Port of gcc, g++ to Windows, required by the Eclipse CDT
Gdb debugger for Windows
MYSYS 1.0.10
Gnu-like environment for Windows, has make, ls, rm, touch, vim, etc...
Getopt for VC++ 2008
Sample project to verify installation of VC++ 2008