Eclipse 3.3 Installation Guide


Eclipse is a widely-used free integrated development environment (IDE) that can be used to develop, compile, and test your programming projects. Eclipse depends on knowing about compilers, debuggers and build tools already installed on your system. Additionally, using an SSH client with file transfer capability will facilitate source file synchronization with your CSE 12 account on ieng6, where you will submit assignments for evaluation. This document details how to download and install all the components to be able to be most productive on your local Windows system. A similar environment will exist in the CSE 12 lab under Linux.


Rich Client Platform
Eclipse RCP is a platform for building and deploying rich client applications. It has the ability to deploy native GUI applications to a variety of desktop operating systems, such as Windows, Linux and Mac OSX and an integrated update mechanism for deploying desktop applications from a central server.
Java Development Toolkit
Contains a Java compiler, debugger, and refactoring tools. Provides a smart, integrated, graphical environment for catching errors before compiling, and fixing compile-time errors quickly.
The CDT is a C/C++ IDE that also serves as a platform for others to provide custom tools for C/C++. Installing GNU C/C++ compilers on top of the CDT provides a complete development environment for C/C++.
Eclipse has language support for PHP which can greatly aid in the development and debugging of large PHP applications that would otherwise be very difficult to manage in a simple text editor.
Plugin Framework
Eclipse was designed as a platform on which developers could build custom tools and add a variety of features and capabilities. Combined with the RCP framework, Eclipse has virtually unlimited potential to support any language, a variety of source control systems, and features as diverse as native SFTP support.

Benefits of Eclipse