User Story

A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. The user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement.

    What feature or functionality of your application is and isn't a User Story?
    A user story is a short description of something that your user will do when they come to your website or use your application/software.
    • Displaying the home screen isn't a functionality described by a User Story
      • Such display isn't something that the user will take action to produce this result.
    • Logging into the system is a functionality described by a User Story
      • Login provides benefit of securing information.

Instructions in Creating the Artifact

This instructions are inetended to give you a better scope of what a good User Story could be like rather than a sole resource for the artifact of your project. You may need to tailor it and make several other changes to ensure it is a good fit for your use and project.

Story: Using a few key words that the user would want to do with the application/software. An example will be as follow: As a user, I want to be able to sign up for an account in the system, so that I can log in using the registered account later.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Keep the format as: As a <role>, I want <functionality/to achieve goal>, so that <who or what is the benefit>
  • Write these from the point of the view of the customer.

Examples of User Stories