Sample Screens

A Sample Screen depicts the work in progress design and/or page for a specific functionlaity and in more general case use case that is considered for the application that the team is building. It helps the stakeholders to see the vision of the team and how far the team has progressed in their design and implementation of the product.

    It has a one to one correlation with Use Cases produced by the team.
    • A Sample screen should depict the design decisions and an overview of the function and use case in real world.

Instructions in Creating the Artifact

This instructions are inetended to give you a better scope of what a good Sample Screen could be like rather than a sole resource for the artifact of your project. You may need to tailor it and make several other changes to ensure it is a good fit for your use and project.

Table of Content: At the beginning of the artifact it is a very good practice to give the overview of the document.
Title and Number: Using a few key words that fit the functionality to be shown.
Screen Shot: The sample screen of a specific fucntionality being depicted.

Examples of Sample Screens