HW5 Assignment

What to do?

You must turn in your program by Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 at 11:59am (NOON).
In this assignment, you are to create a polymorphic generic container based on a linked-list data structure. In List.java, the List, ListEngine, Node, and NodeEngine classes are defined. The list is circular, so the next pointer of the last item points to the first item of the list, and the pre pointer of the first item points to the last item in the list. We keep track of the end item in the list with the end data field of ListEngine.

The ListEngine methods to write in List.java:

ListEngine (Base sample, String caller)
void jettisonList ()
void advanceNext ()
void advancePre ()
boolean checkToGoForward(long where)
boolean isEmpty ()
boolean insert (Base element, long where)
boolean locate (long where)
Base remove (long where)
Base view (long where)
void writeReverseList (PrintStream stream)

The NodeEngine methods to write in List.java:

NodeEngine (Node newNode, Base element, String caller)
void jettisonNodeAndData ()
void jettisonNodeOnly
Node insert (Node thisNode, Base element)
Base remove ()
Base view ()

Additional file and method headers to write in BaseStack.java:

In addition to writing file and method headers for all the methods you write, write headers for all methods in BaseStack.java. The actual methods are provided for you.

For all methods for the ListEngine class, make sure to include code to display the corresponding catastrophic error and debug messages. You can find all the messages you need at the beginning of the List.java file.

Method Descriptions

ListEngine methods

ListEngine Constructor:

Properly initialize the data fields of the ListEngine. Don't forget to increment the listCounter.

  • Values of sample are expected to be an empty Base object of the same type that will be stored in the list (Driver2), or null (Driver1).
  • Values of caller are expected to be a String with a class name to help debug memory issues.
  • jettisonList:

    Stop tracking the memory for all nodes, all data, and the list itself.


    Move the end of the list forward by one Node. This effectively shifts the elements of the list forward by one.


    Move the end of the list backward by one Node. This effectively shifts the elements of the list backward by one.


    This method checks whether it would be more efficient to reach item number in the list by looping forwards from the end of the list (true is returned) or backwards from the end of the list (false is returned). For example, if the list had 50 elements, it would be more efficient to loop forwards from the last element to find the 5th element. However, to find the 45th element, it would be more efficient to loop backwards from the last element. Note: you have the flexibility to change the signature of this method to have a different return value or parameters depending on your implementation.

  • Values of where are expected to be the place in the list to store the element (0 stands for inserting at the END).
  • isEmpty:

    Check whether the list is empty or not.


    Insert a Base object into the list.

  • Values of element are expected to be a Base object to insert into the list.
  • Values of where are expected to be the place in the list where to store the element (0 stands for inserting at the end END).
  • Hint: We have declared the constants FRONT, END for you

    locate: // This should only be called from insert, remove, and view

    This method is used to eliminate code duplication in the list methods by finding the location at which we wish to insert, remove, or view. locate should be used to locate the Node at location where. If your implementation of locate changes the end pointer of the list, be sure to save that value before calling this method. Note: you have the flexibility to change the signature of this method to have a different return value or parameters.

  • Values of where are expected to be a the number of the item in the list (1 for first item, 2 for second item and so forth, 0 for last item).
  • remove:

    Remove a node from the list, return its data.

  • Values of where are expected to be the place in the list of the element to be removed.
  • view:

    Return the data stored at location where.

  • Values of where are expected the place in the list which holds the element to view.
  • writeReverseList:

    Write the elements of ListEngine backwards, starting with the last item. The list is printed to filestream stream.

  • Values of stream are expected to be either System.out or System.err.
  • NodeEngine methods

    NodeEngine Constructor:

    Creates a new node to hold element, or, if sample of the ListEngine is non-NULL, a copy of element.
    Refer to your notes if you don't know what I am talking about.

  • Values of newNode are expected to be a Node that the newly created NodeEngine belongs to.
  • Values of element are expected to be a Base object we wish to store in the new node.
  • Values of caller are expected to be a String of the where this constructor is called.
  • jettisonNodeAndData

    Jettison the NodeEngine and the data that it holds.


    Jettison the NodeEngine.


    Create a new Node object to hold element. This new node is then incorporated into the list at the location AFTER thisNode. The insert method should return the new Node that it created.

  • Values of thisNode are expected to be the Node object that the new node is inserted AFTER.
  • Values of element are expected to be a Base object we wish to store in the new node.
  • remove:

    "Unlinks" this Node object to be removed from the list by arranging the references of the surrounding Node objects so that they no longer reference to this Node object. The memory associated with the Node object is jettisoned, but the Node object's data is not jettisoned. A reference to the data is returned.


    Return the data stored in the Node object.

    Implementation Restrictions

    Due to the nature of the circular linked list, where insertion, remove or view operations can occur between any two nodes, having a multi-line block of code to handle an operation at the beginning, another block for sorted, and another block for the end means that you aren't taking full advantage of the efficiencies that the circular list has to offer. Therefore:

    For full credit, the insert method of ListEngine should only contain one call to the insert of Node.
    For full credit, the remove method of ListEngine should only contain one call to the remove of Node.
    For full credit, the view method of ListEngine should only contain one call to the view of Node.

    Grading breakdown


    How to get started?

    Enter the following commands into the terminal.

    cd ../public/hw5
    make install
    cd hw5/java
    mv List.java.empty List.java