A form of documentation, it is usually a simple plain text file called or simply README. The file's name is generally always written in upper case. Because lower case filenames are more usual, and because traditionally the ls command sorts and displays files in ASCII ordering, so that upper-case filenames appear first. It usually describes what kind of project it is, how it can be useful, how to install and use it, the list of authors, guidelines for contributing, license notice and whatever else the developers would want other people to read.
No matter how big or small the project is, the developers should always take pride in the hours they put in to writing code; you'll never know who's having a look at it in the next weeks, months or even years, so writing a good README always helps the person looking at it know how much pride you take at writing your software.

    What features does a good README usually have?
    • README should be simple and short, but a good README can save time.
    • Just as an essay or blog post, the README should strive to grab the attention of the reader early.
    • Developers love to see code samples, and a few lines of syntax highlighted source are worth a thousand words. So there should be code samples.
    • It should explain:
      • What is the project?
      • What does the project do?
      • How to install the project?
      • Building and deploying.

Instructions in Creating the Artifact

This instructions are inetended to give you a better scope of what a good README could be like rather than a sole resource for the artifact of your project. You may need to tailor it and make several other changes to ensure it is a good fit for your use and project.

Introduction: A well organized decsription of the project and what it does.
Login Credentials: If there are any login required to test the application the README should inculde them.
Requirements: Any requirement or dependency that the application may have. For example if the web app should be run on Chrome then it should be mentioned here.
Installtion Instruction: If the application needs to be installed then here should be detailed as how it should be done and. The steps should be detailed and as error proof as possible.
How to Run: The instruction on how to run and use the application as consice and simple as possible
Known Bugs: List the known bugs to the developers so in case one comes up the team would be able to troubleshoot.

Examples of README